Volta Strategies

In a Crisis, Be Helpful

Grow Profitably

No-nonsense growth strategies for solar + energy efficiency contractors. Delivered once a week.

We’re shattering heat records across the Pacific Northwest. It feels really scary for a lot of people. My family included. We fled to the Oregon Coast over the weekend.

The experience reminds me of the best advice I got in the early days of COVID-19. In a crisis, be helpful, not promotional.

Imagine your ad, email, or post next to the worst news from the day. This isn’t the time to leverage the heat for increased sales. I promise, it won’t land well.

One of my clients took the initiative to draft five tips for homeowners stay cool and safe through the crisis. We emailed the tips before temperatures spiked and got a tremendous response – earning an open rate of almost 40%.

When things get scary, focus on being as helpful as you can. It’s the right thing to do. It’s also how you build trust with your audience.

Bill Hoelzer

Bill is the Principal at Volta Strategies. He’s spent almost a decade marketing solar and energy efficiency companies, driving sustained, double-digit growth and millions of dollars in new revenue for his clients.

Grow Profitably

No-nonsense growth strategies for solar + energy efficiency contractors. Delivered once a week.


→  Strategy

→  Referrals

→  Email

→  SEO


→  Advertising

→  Automation

→  Sales