Volta Strategies

Deal or No Deal

Grow Profitably

No-nonsense growth strategies for solar + energy efficiency contractors. Delivered once a week.

If you’re lucky, you have an all-star salesperson.

If you’re smart, you have a sales strategy deck to elevate your entire sales team. A sales strategy deck outlines your best strategies, value propositions, and tools to pitch and close deals.

It’s worth checking out this article from the Close: The Quick Guide to Building a Sales Strategy Deck that Sells

If you go all-in with your deck, you can include buyer personas, KPIs, and competitive metrics to make sure your reps are (over)prepared for their next pitch.

Bill Hoelzer

Bill is the Principal at Volta Strategies. He’s spent almost a decade marketing solar and energy efficiency companies, driving sustained, double-digit growth and millions of dollars in new revenue for his clients.

Grow Profitably

No-nonsense growth strategies for solar + energy efficiency contractors. Delivered once a week.


→  Strategy

→  Referrals

→  Email

→  SEO


→  Advertising

→  Automation

→  Sales